Youth-IN Visions Project

By in News on April 11, 2012

ARC Magazine founders and editors Holly Bynoe and Nadia Huggins have taken up the Youth-IN Visions project and over a period of four months will travel to The Bahamas, Barbados, St. Lucia, Suriname, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and Dominica to spotlight four young people in each place that are making a difference in arts, literature, culture, sciences, politics, tourism, heritage, gender and equality, entrepreneurship, environmental protection and energy conservation.

The hope, they say, is for the project to examine what it’s like to be young and dynamic in the Caribbean, allowing the webisodes to negotiate a new identity for the region.

Selected in the Bahamas are four individuals whose projects and organizations are making revolutionary strides across segments of Bahamian society – in arts and culture (Poinciana Paper Press), entrepreneurship and the economy (Islandz), environmental awareness and preservation (Young Marine Explorers) and youth empowerment (Bahamas National Youth Council). (Read the full article by Sonia Farmer)

“I think these young people are also working with everything that’s around them,” said Bynoe. “Even though they are young, they want to see how they can change their spaces. So they’re working with younger children and they’re thinking about what sort of systems they can put in place to have a more solid infrastructure so problems we’ve faced do not happen again.”

Read the full article by Sonia Farmer

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